Saturday, August 18, 2012

NZ: Day 4

Ood and Soph

BMA Girls on top of the world or the Southern Alps anyway...

The view from the top of the training lanes.

The survivors of the "tackle" rugby game against the girls.

New friend and honorary Burkie Bear: Anna.

Greetings from Methven!
We had another awesome day. It was a lighter day of skiing because tomorrow is our day off and we’ve had three really long days already. Today we had a little more free time after skiing. We all scattered around town and found ways to entertain ourselves. Everyone met back up for a light walk to a nearby park, which turned into a hilarious game of tackle rugby with our newfound 12 year old kiwi boyfriends. On our walk back we discovered a playground that entertained us for an hour (it would have been more time if Libby had let us.) The most popular piece of the playground was a wheel that spun us around. It attracted not only our whole team, but our new friend Anna, a 10 year old local with a hideously scary baby. Back at the hotel many of us hopped in the freezing pool for some hot and cold recovery. We had another delicious dinner and will be off to bed early to make the most of our day off.
Tomorrow we will be venturing out of Methven to experience some more New Zealand culture.
We’re having a blast down here and don’t worry, Harlow, Libby, and the staff at Methven Resort are taking great care of us!

Lexi and Eliza

Late Edit: A huge shout out and congrats are in order for Cam Smith. Ski racing is a sport we all love, but it can be brutal. Cam went from racing pretty much independently last season to skiing his way onto the CU Ski Team in April, by virtue of solid skiing in the Colorado spring series races, to scoring a 12, then a 9 - that's right, a nine - at a couple of Australian ANC GS Races. Wow, what a difference 4 months can make. Way to go Cam! BMA is hosting two men's FIS GS races in March. I'm pretty sure we can find you a place to stay and three squares, so come on home!!

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