Friday, September 13, 2013

As part of orientation each pod was asked to examine an area of life at BMA and determine what trust and honor “look like” and “sound like” in that area, such as the dorms, traveling, tuning room, etc.  Each pod was then asked to create an original statement about honor and trust.  Here are the original statements:

Trust earns respect.  Respect earns honor.  Honor is integrity.
Integrity means acting the same way no matter who you are with or where you are.

At BMA, honor and trust are upheld by the constant effort of everyone to do their best and learn from their mistakes in an environment where all are equal and respected.

By being honorable and trustworthy you not only help yourself, but also the people around you.

Respecting people and their belongings makes for a caring, cooperative and clean environment.  Take pride in following the rules, and the trust that comes with it.

We live in a place where the mutual honor and respect we have for one another allows us to be ourselves and grow together to accomplish our individual goals.

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