Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Mike Kenney Sighting!

Today, Mike Kenney visited us up on the training hill. Mike is a native of Franconia, NH and has been working with the USST in some capacity since his nephew, Bode Miller, started with the team... a while ago. Hard to believe how long it's been...

Anyway, Mike wanted to see what was going on up here and so he spent the morning on the training hill, skiing around mostly with Charlotte, but interacting with whoever was around. It was a lot of fun to see Mike and talk with him. He's an incredible base of knowledge, both for his work with the USST, but also for his work as both a soccer and a tennis coach. Mike truly believes that the best athletes make the best skiers, so don't forget to keep playing as many games as you can growing up and whatever you do, learn to kick that soccer ball with both feet!

Here's a pic of Mike, Char, Nina and Bridget:

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