Sunday, July 3, 2016

FIS Dryland Camp Day 5 - BMA Snowmaking Team Initiative

This mornings program consists of a Team Initiative designed to replicate the Burke snow making system. Water must be moved from the pond up the mountain through a series of "water containment devices and pump stations" before finally reaching it's destination at the top of the Poma. The problem is no one really knows how many "containers" must be filled at the top, nor how many "pump stations" must be prepared along the way. Communication is key as is resiliency, strength and the ability to handle the inevitable "burst pipes" along the way!

The Start

The Final Destination

The process...

You can smell them, you just can't stop...

 Doesn't really need a caption to describe the feeling here...

 Heading down for the last buckets!

The last buckets on their way!

Lisa: "Darrell, can I have your phone?" Darrell: "Why do they have water in those buckets?"

Thanks for a great camp! Keep your summer "All Burke and plenty of Play!"

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